OPTIM Wafer Services is able to offer the following sapphire wafer processing services.
Sapphire Wafer Reclaim
- OPTIM is able through its proprietary reclaim processes to offer a Sapphire wafer reclaim service to LED, RF or Power device manufacturers.
- Able to remove EPI, EPI GaN or device layers then repolish the surface to an Epi ready state with minimal removal is key to this service, thus enabling our customers to maximise cost reduction benefits.
Polishing, Cleaning, CMP
- Able to deliver EPI ready surface on Sapphire wafers
- OPTIM has joined the Cristal Innov platform located in Grenoble. This platform is focused on Sapphire wafer processing and related projects. http://www.saphir-valley.com/index.php?lang=en
- Can thin and polish quartz & glass substrates to achieve low Ra.